Eine Kleine Nachtmusik -Jazzy Blues with a Little Soul

Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock Season 3 Disappoints
I didn't watch Sherlock (with Benedict Cumberbatch) on matter of principle. I'm a real Sherlockian purist and was convinced modernizing would ruin the aura. I'm partial to period drama and feel like it's unfair to the author to change it up so much. I hated the Americanized Sherlock with Robert Downey Jr.
Well, I ran out of Agatha Christies and needed a Brit mystery fix. In desperation I tried Sherlock (being very prepared to hate it). And oh frabjuous day, I loved it. I liked the present-day twists on Victorian/Edwardian situations. I like the subtle but effective use of technology --texting, iPhones, internet. The substitution of blog for written biography works well. The metaphors, personalities, updated storylines retain the original flavour in the present-day. But on several levels, Sherlock Season 3 is a Tad Disappointing
Well, I ran out of Agatha Christies and needed a Brit mystery fix. In desperation I tried Sherlock (being very prepared to hate it). And oh frabjuous day, I loved it. I liked the present-day twists on Victorian/Edwardian situations. I like the subtle but effective use of technology --texting, iPhones, internet. The substitution of blog for written biography works well. The metaphors, personalities, updated storylines retain the original flavour in the present-day. But on several levels, Sherlock Season 3 is a Tad Disappointing
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