"Sully" (from director Clint Eastwood) made a surprise landing as top-grossing weekend film for the second week in September. Opening Sept. 9, the "Miracle on the Hudson" movie explores the Jan. 15, 2009 plane crash (or landing) on the Hudson River by Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger. The plane jetted to stratospheric altitudes in popularity. It lifted superheroes Chesley Sullenberger, Tom Hanks and Clint Eastwood to even greater levels. Many people clapped as they left the theater on this auspicious first weekend. That's no small task for an adult courtroom drama with no special effects and few big names, but stranger things have happened. 'Sully' lands top weekend film, jets Chesley Sullenberger, Tom Hanks, Clint Eastwood fame
'Sully' lands top weekend film, jets Chesley Sullenberger, Tom Hanks, Clint Eastwood fame
Chesley Sullenberger
Clint Eastwood
Hudson River
Miracle on the Hudson
Tom Hanks