). My particular favorite it Brit mystery. We've never had cable TV, digital, that blue-ray thingy or any fancy-schmancy TV. Just an old junk pile rescue that doesn't even pull in regular stations (defunct antennae--not worth fixing). So we get our TV fix from the internet.
Well, I blew through all the Poirots, Marples, Sherlock Holmes (every incarnation), Lord Peter Wimsey, Ngaio Marsh, Foyle's War, Campion, Lewis, Rosemary and Thyme (most of those I've written about too). And I was plumb out of ideas. I started watching "Blackpool" on a whim and am liking it. I love the way they've made it like a musical and use schmaltzy American tunes for dialog. Pretty creative. Need a Brit Flick Fix? Try Blackpool